The Parental Units


She is a shining star, a leader.


My one and only boy-child.


She is ALWAYS Batman.


The sourpuss, a/k/a lemon cat

Monday, June 17, 2013


I'm still trying to overcome the funk. I keep trying to tell myself that PMS is the cause but deep down I know it's not. I just put on my happy face and keep on trucking.

The kids have been attending VBS, they love it. Last week it was an archeology theme and this week its kingdom rock. They've been to day camps and events at the library too. So far they're having an amazing summer, so they say. I've taken them on day trips to random, off beat, towns and they really enjoy that. They're great kids, I love them.

Jason is cranky. I avoid him lately.

Corina is starting to catch up developmentally, she is 3-4 weeks delayed. She recently started grasping things with her hands and bringing them to her mouth, she is nearly 5 months old. Now, glorious teething! Boo to that.

My house is chaotic, boxes still everywhere. But, the kids rooms are pretty much done and that helps. Its so important to me that they are feeling comfortable and safe...I'll happily sacrifice my comfort for theirs. With that said; my room is awful. I don't go in there unless I want to sleep because its just that bad.

The house is typically presentable, so that works. I could do better but, again, I'm still in a funk and I don't care.

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