The Parental Units


She is a shining star, a leader.


My one and only boy-child.


She is ALWAYS Batman.


The sourpuss, a/k/a lemon cat

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vaccinate, discriminate, the figure 8.

People ask me regularly "Do you fear your children contracting measles?" Uh. No. "What about other diseases?" Mmmm, no again. You see, I don't typically vaccinate, if I do any type of vaccination it's a delayed deal. Why? Simple. Because I am a parent and I have earned the right to choose for my children, I have educated myself and I feel my choices are the best for my family. Sure, people disagree but I don't care. I would never, under any circumstances, try and push my beliefs on another parent for any reason. When asked for my opinion I merely suggest doing some research and conduction their own personal investigation. In addition; I mention that anyone telling them their opinion is the right thing, such as doctors who tell you that you NEED to vaccinate your child or parents who tell you it is FACTUAL that their kid contracted autism/ADHD/flu due to being vaccinated. The truth is no vaccine is 100% effective, everyone's physiology varies and will develop immunity differently. 
Measles are pretty big in the media right now; I feel annoyed when I watch the news. Seriously, everyone is having a dramatic debate on how you need to vaccinate NOW to eradicate this virus. Well, in the late 60's there was a campaign, conducted by the CDC, pretty much saying 'with this one shot we can eradicate measles in the good ol' U-S of A by the end of the year, yay!' So, here we are in 2013 and we are still having outbreaks of measles... let me add that some of the recently infected had received the measles vaccination. Obviously, the CDC cannot eradicate anything. WHY? Oh, yeah...because as humans our physiology varies and we develop immunity and contract a virus/disease differently. 
My oldest, Alexis, was vaccinated until she was 6 month old, she was right on schedule. I had been educating myself and decided I would no longer be vaccinating while she was an infant, I delayed. Alexis was up to date on all of her vaccinations by the time she entered kindergarten. My 6 year old son, Trenton, has never had a vaccination nor has my 3 year old, Jessa. My youngest daughter, Corina, is a different story; she has been vaccinated on schedule until she was 3 months old. She is currently on a specific delayed program. She had a rough start and her respiratory issues were a huge concern. We weighed the pros and cons and went with the vaccinations as we felt it was the best option at the time; she needed extra protection. I am not anti vaccination and I am not pro vaccination...I am pro parenting. 
A few years ago Alexis and Jessa both contracted Chicken Pox, Trenton never contracted it. Alexis was the only one vaccinated for the virus. What it all comes down to is how your body deals with it. Theoretically, Alexis should not have been able to contract the virus as she had been vaccinated. I would also like to add that Alexis had a much milder version of the virus than Jessa did.
So, back to this measles thing. Stop freaking out. Stop blaming each other. It's not a groups fault because they didn't vaccinate. It's not a groups fault because they did. Blame yourself, your genetics, your DNA. Humans are the problem not the virus...look at us, all unique little snowflakes. Sure, you can put crap in your body to attempt to protect it but there is no guarantee. If you are a gambling or risk taker type person, go for it! if you're not...skip it. Newsflash, its YOUR CHOICE!

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