The Parental Units


She is a shining star, a leader.


My one and only boy-child.


She is ALWAYS Batman.


The sourpuss, a/k/a lemon cat

Monday, July 8, 2013

I love that all of my babies sleep in, it makes for a good morning. Lemon goes to bed at 8pm and the older kids go to bed at 9pm, typically they'll all start waking up around 10am. Unfortunately, I am unable to sleep in, my body hates me apparently. While I'm up I get a couple extra hours with Jason solo, I can finish up chores without little ones beneath my feet, and I can have my coffee or energy drink in peace.

Bunny is learning her sight words, she is doing so well. I feel proud. Alexis and Trenton are in the reading program and Trenton's reading has come leaps and bounds. I am especially proud of him. Alexis is above her grade level in reading and has the ability to read at a collegiate level! Go, girl!

I'm still working on finding friends in the area, it seems all I know here are gay men. And while I love my gays I am still seeking mama friends. This place is a party Mecca, I don't want to party all the time...I've kids and have to go to baseball practice, cheer tournaments, and other child based things. Don't get me wrong; I like to party but not until my kids are tucked in. I'm down for cocktails while the kids are playing or whatever but getting crunk every night?! Um, no.

Jason has been so busy. I miss him.

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